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Is pin design holding you back?

Join “Pins Made Happy” in the next 15 minutes and get 45% off!

People these days focus so much on pinning strategies (such as how many pins per day, what order, time of day, tailwind vs manual pinning, etc.) But, you know what? That only half of the puzzle.

People glaze over the other half of the puzzle: the actual pin! And, it may in fact be worth more like 60-70% of your success, so don’t forget it. It all starts with the pin.

If you have a great pinning strategy, but your pins stink, then your traffic will stink. It’s as simple as that.

samples of pinterest image designs

This is a course called Pins Made Happy by Audrey and Matt Marshall.

Who is Audrey Marshall? She is my first virtual assistant, and I am her first client. She has designed pins for me, and many others that I recommended her to. All have been thrilled.

Fast forward, and she’s now a superstar VA and works with Carly Campbell, one of the queens of Pinterest.

In this course, Audrey and her husband, Matt, cover how to make amazing pins that will get you clicks and repins so you can rapidly grow your pageviews.

They go over all of the aspects of creating a great pin:

  • Design theory
  • Colors that work best (as well as color combos)
  • Fonts (as well as font pairings)
  • Branding your pins
  • How to use white space
  • How to focus attention
  • And, much, much, much more!

Don’t miss your chance to save 45% – only for the next 15 minutes!

audrey and matt marshall pinterest marketers

Audrey and Matt Marshall

Are a married couple who both have extensive experience in Pinterest marketing and graphic design. They created this course in hopes that it could help you create unique and beautiful graphics in half of the time it used to take.

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